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Bike Hire with Steve & Jo

Wine Tours by Bike

Bike Hire with Steve & Jo

Wine Tours by Bike
owners since 2013

Wine Tours by Bike is a family run bicycle rental company which has been operating in the Marlborough wine region since 1999. We have been the proud owners of it since 2013, and being a couple who love to meet folk as well as bike, finding an environmentally friendly business for sale that combined both of these was a real find and I think it took us all of 2 days to decide that we were going to go for it!!

We relocated it out here to Renwick because of the sheer concentration of cellar doors that surround us, built a garage (no, make that 3 garages), bought up a new fleet of bikes and a couple more buses, opened for the season and hit the ground running.

Wine Tours by Bike Renwick Marlborough

Gold Qualmark awarded 2023-2024 and 2022-2023. This award is evidence of a sophisticated tourism business that consistently exceeds visitor expectations. Proactive leadership and management ensure that a culture of high performance is evident throughout the entire business which is committed to protecting our beautiful natural environment, enhancing connections with our local communities, whilst also delivering a quality, safe experience for all visitors. This business has a real focus on continuously improving their economic, social and environmental performance to ensure the tourism product they deliver is a genuine, constantly improving sustainable experience.

Got to say that we are loving every minute if it.

Steve is a born and breed Kiwi and has lived in Marlborough since 1983. His first job was working in the school holidays for Montana (now Brancott) lifting wires and bud rubbing and has never been far away from the industry since then. In his spare time, he can be found beavering away in his “man cave” working on his classic cars (or working on the list of jobs that Jo keeps adding to on the fridge door!!)

Jo hails from the UK and came out here in 1993, (but now has such a strong enough Kiwi twang she is often mistaken for a local !!) Administration was her thing and being an animal lover means there is always a four-legged friend not far away. When she is not busy with bikers, her happy place is spending time among her three miniature horses, two dogs (Lee-ah & Willow), Duke the cat, or snuggled up in front of the fire during Winter with a good book and a hot chocolate!!

Free shuttle service from and to Blenheim

Sustainability practices

We are an environmentally friendly business and incorporate sustainable practices whenever we can.
We are extremely proud to own a Carbon-Friendly Certified Business and as our carbon footprint is small, the little we have left, we have offset by supporting the regeneration of native forests with EKOS, with our plan to work towards being Carbon Zero.

family run bicycle rental company

Family run bicycle rental company

Family run bicycle rental company

Blenheim bike hire Marlboroough